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Why Designing a Photobook is a Great Activity for the Young and Old

Why Designing a Photobook is a Great Activity for the Young and Old

The generational divide may appear to be an impassable barrier for many, but this doesn’t have to be the case. There are many activities that can bring the young and the old together, and working on a family photobook is a great example. We have compiled 4 reasons that will convince you how it can nurture different members of your family to grow meaningfully together!

Make Stories out of Memories

Photographs are snapshots of the past, each containing a story waiting to be told. For the young, these are treasure-troves waiting to be explored, and no one can tell a better story than the senior members of the family! While assembling a photobook together, seniors can inspire the curiosity of the younger ones by telling them why and how each photo was taken. This can create a priceless bonding experience that will surely bring different generations of your family together.

Grow Together

Photographs let you experience growing together…literally! Revisit younger versions of yourself and compare them with those belonging to other members of your family, and watch both of you grow up together throughout the years! It can be an interesting experience that brings your family closer together no matter what generation they hail from.

Learn from Each Other

The young and the old have their own respective skills. Be it determination, creativity, unconventionality or wisdom, different members of your family can contribute their unique knowledge in the collaborative design of your family photobook. This way, you might end up creating something truly special! Not to mention, the opportunity to collaborate can create a priceless learning opportunity in which different ages can interact and learn from each other. This is certainly one way to grow together!

Make a Priceless Family Memento

When you can choose between a unique, personalised memento or a mass-manufactured knickknack, most people will go for the first. Should you choose to create a personalised photobook with your family members, there will only be one copy like it in the world and that alone assigns it a priceless value. If you have ever dreamed about owning something truly unique to yourself, then this is your chance! And of course, more importantly, it will be a golden opportunity to bond over a shared activity and nurture your familial ties.

User-friendly Online Photobook Editor, Beautifully Printed Books

p;log is the trusted brand when it comes to high-quality customisable photobooks. Delight your friends and family with unique, one-of-a-kind gifts that cannot be found anywhere else. Enjoy island-wide doorstep delivery and attractive promotions throughout the year when you choose p;log as your preferred print solution. Drop us an email at to enquire today, or browse our photobook collection and be spoilt for choice.