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Amazing Personalised Wedding Souvenirs to Impress Your Guests

Amazing Personalised Wedding Souvenirs to Impress Your Guests

While celebrating your big day, don’t forget about the guests who travelled from far and wide to attend your ceremony and bless your union! If you are currently fretting about suitable souvenirs to give your guests, we have put together a list with a few options you may wish to consider.


A fun gift idea would be to make personalised name stickers for each guest attending your wedding. This makes a statement that their presence is valued and you’re overjoyed that they are able to be a part of your special day. Name stickers are also useful gifts that your guests can use in their daily lives by helping to label and organise their belongings—they’ll want to hang onto them even after the wedding!


Notebooks are elegant and practical gifts that most people enjoy receiving. You can take things a step further and personalise the notebook design to complement the theme of your wedding. This way, your guests will always have a memento of it and be reminded that they were once a part of your big day.


Delight your guests with a mug personalised to commemorate your beautiful wedding. If you would like to create something truly unique, why not try to come up with a design with your partner-to-be and share your artwork with the rest of your guests? In the future, whenever your guests use your personalised mug, they will be reminded of you and the amazing day you have put together.


Although a calendar might not be the most exciting gift that you can immediately think of when it comes to wedding souvenirs, personalised calendars might just make enough of a difference to convince you that it would be a great gift. Decorate it with a colour and design that best reflects the theme of your wedding! Another fun idea would be to leave a special note on your wedding day, so that guests will always remember the date no matter how much time has passed!

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